Monday, February 20, 2012


A diploma in Culinary arts and a love of science bring to my plate a new way of looking at food, manufacturing, production, and most important, consuming.

Food, in itself is a wonderful gift. Although a necessity, it can also act as a medium to express artistic ability and creativity, while combining passion and pleasure in a gratifying manner. To serve friends or family a meal built with a firm grasp of even basic culinary knowledge, a passion to please and intractable integrity, will undoubtedly result in a well-received affair.

A basic understanding of culinary terms and processes is important. But a knowledge of the basic structures of the food you are handling is of higher consequence, since without this information, how will you know the appropriate method of preparation for an item?

Molecular Gastronomy is known to many, but fully understood by some. The term 'Molecular Gastronomy" is just a fancy way to describe 'food science', and food is just that: a science. My goal is to help my friends, family and anyone else interested in reading my posts, understand exactly what they consume and how it affects their health (mental and physical) and what alternatives are available. Every once in a while I would also like to share good recipe I find or create.

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